My lovely baby bump!


Week 12

Not quite yet ready for maternity clothes...but my waist is getting quite bigger. My jeans are getting a little snug but I am still able to wear them for a little bit longer. I am experiencing a lot of nausea but not enough to the point of getting sick. Although, sometimes I think that if I got sick I would feel better. Urg!! The baby is about 2 inches long (about the size of a lime) and weighs about half an ounce. We had our first ultrasound at week 10 and saw our peanut for the first time. TJ put his ultrasound pic in his car where his little peanut can be with him wherever he goes. He has also been very good to mommy and treating me well. I better not get too used to this as he will be gone for two months at drill sergeant school. Prenatal vitamins were started after my 10 week appointment. It is important that I'm getting enough vitamins and minerals. Especially, iron as it is used to make hemoglobin which my body needs more of to keep up with the expanding blood volume. The only problem with this is the constipation it causes. After a couple weeks of testing every over the counter medicine, fiber substitute, and stool softener out there I finally figured out the right mixture for me. This was probably the worst experience of pregnancy that I had experienced thus far...

Week 15

Our peanut is about 4 inches long and weighs about 2 1/2 ounces, which is about the size of an apple. If I remember correctly, I gained about five pounds thus far. As you can see the bump is more noticeable than at week 12. I am finding it more difficult to find into many of my clothes. I am definitely wearing my "fat" jeans that I had stashed in my closet. Also, I found that I needed to purchase new bras. I always thought that I wanted to a bigger bust, however, now after wearing them for a little while I have decided that I am perfectly content with mine just the way they are =) The nausea has curbed and I don't seem to be having any other far. I was back home in North Dakota around this time. I ended up catching a flu bug that left me at home on the couch for one full day. I was extremely cold and was unable to eat anything. I also got a bloody nose. I blame all of this on ND and its cold, dry weather instead of having anything to do with being pregnant.

Week 16

Went to my 16 week appointment without TJ =( I went through the usual routine of weighing in and a check of my protein levels. Everything looks good so far. The nurse didn't believe that I even looked pregnant and I laughed. I feel like I am busting out of all of my clothes that I own! I heard the heart beat but we didn't count the beats/minute yet. The nurse also took blood for a test that used to identify chromosomal disorders such as Down syndrome. I got a call a couple days later with a report that everything is normal...wheew! I haven't felt the baby move yet but look forward to that in the future. Our peanut is about 4 1/2 inches long and weighs about 3 1/2 ounces, which is about the size of an avocado.

Week 19

Here is a little skin for you...don't blush it is only my lovely baby bump. A growing bump, I might add. I have gained about 8 pounds. Also, I have found that I needed to buy an extender that I wear with even my fat jeans. If I would hurry up and get a bump I could then I wear maternity clothes. Sad that I am looking forward to that elastic around my waist that I will need to continue to hike up after so many steps. However, I know that it has got more comfortable than what I am squeezing my fat butt into now. Peanut weighs about 8 1/2 ounces and is about 6 inches long. I believe that I felt the baby for the first time. It felt like a tapping feeling instead of gas. I don't think it was gas, but it very well could have been. Many say it is hard to distinguish between the two. I believe that once I start feeling them more regularly that I will be able to recognize the difference.

Week 20

Not much changes between week 19 and week 20. Peanut is now about 10 1/2 ounces and is about 10 inches long. I am half way...yeah! They say that the normal weight gain is about 10 pounds and I am pretty close to that. They say at this point that it will be hard to find a comfortable spot when sleeping, getting out of bed will begin to get difficult, leg craps develop and more. However, I have yet to experience any of these. The only thing recently is that I go to the bathroom more often than normal. Thank you little baby Armstrong for being nice to your mama =)