TJ graduated his first cycle of Soldiers on June 18th, 2009. TJ's mother and brother were able to attend and watch him proudly as TJ reached this accomplishment. During this cycle, TJ said one of his Soldiers asked him what his biggest accomplishment so far in his career was. He responded with telling his Soldiers that watching them graduate would be that moment for him. Peanut and I were so proud to be a part of this day and share it with him and his family. The break between this cycle of Soldiers and the next is extremely short. TJ will ship his Soldiers off on June 19th and will begin day 1 with another group of recruits on June 29th. The video posted above is TJ calling cadence for his Delta Dawgs, 3rd Platoon, as they walked across the stage. "Army, Army, Army...I love the Army." The video posted below is a video that was played at the graduation. Does this motivate you to join?
another snow day
11 years ago
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