On Friday, March 27th I attended a going away celebration for 5 Soldiers of the 3rd Chemical Brigade. Of those 5, TJ was recognized with an Army Achievement Medal for his contributions to the S-3 staff operations. The Army Achievement Medal is awarded to any member of the armed forces of the United States, or to any member of the armed forces of a friendly foreign nation, who while serving in any capacity with the Army in a non-combat area on or after 1 August 1981, distinguished himself by meritorious service or achievement of a lesser degree than required for award of the Army Commendation Medal. During this last year, "SSG Armstrong meticulously planned, coordinated and executed the 3rd Chemical Brigade Semi-Annual Training Brief (SATB). He executed the brigade operation order, synchronized six subordinate Battalion SATB's, the Battalion to Brigade STAB, the Brigade Commander to Commandant SATB and the final SATB to the Commanding General. He was instrumental in collecting the briefs from all the subordinate Battalions and building briefing books for each phase of the operation." After receiving the award, TJ thanked his fellow Soldiers for mentoring him throughout his time with 3rd Chemical Brigade. He added that he is excited and honored to be a drill sergeant and that he hopes to many great things. We all know he will do a great job. TJ starts his first cycle of basic training at the middle of April. He is eagerly excited to start.
another snow day
11 years ago
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