

Maya loves her eating times.
Ever since Maya was a little baby she has enjoyed eating. It seems that she can't get enough food. I have had to learn how to distract her after her meal is completed so she doesn't cry. Usually at night, I will feed her half a container of veggies and half of desert. Yummy...momma loves desert...best part of the meal. Sometimes, there is no meal...just desert. Anyway, after the meal Maya will need to have her pacifier, eat some sweat potato or cheddar puffs, or play a game. Then, usually before bed Maya will have another three ounces of milk to drift her off to sleep. The other night when I was snuggling with her I hear her giggling. I wonder what babies dream of? Bottles and Cheese puffs? If we only knew!
Started eating pureed foods: 6 months
Started eating table food: 7 months
Started drinking from a sippy cup with help: 7 1/2 months
Figured out how to drink out of sippy cup by herself: 8 months
Sat in high chair at restaurant: 8 months
Used high chair at home: 6 months