Maya's First Friend Birthday Party


Happy Birthday Riley
Maya was invited to her first burthday party for a friend. I know I was excited...not sure what Maya thought of the whole thing. On Friday, March 5th, Riley Minar, son of Jamie Minar, celebrated his first birthday. The night was filled with birthday cake, presents, and swimming. Yes, Maya had her first bite of frosting. I decided to hold back on the actual cake as I am still very cautious of feeding her table food. Athough, I shouldn't be because everytime she is with grandma Elbert or nana (great grandma McDougall) I get reports of Maya eating lots of table food. Maybe I am not ready for my little girl to grow up yet...I'm not sure. Then, Maya helped Riley open up his presents. Of course, Maya went right for the tissue paper as paper is one of her favorite things. Get her near a magazine, newspaper, toilet paper, or anything of the sort and she is after it. Maya also helped Riley break in all of his new we had to taste them all to make sure they were o.k. to play with. Then, we all headed for the pool. It was Maya's first time in the pool. I think she was unsure of herself as she wasn't too playful as she is in the bathtub. I believe I will be starting swimming lessons this month so I hope she warms up to the water :) We had a great time and can't wait to go to our next party.